Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hair Dye and Tears

I wait until my husband leaves for work before I pull out the bottle of hair dye.  If I'm going to stink up the house and make my eyes burn, I'm going to do it alone and in time before Justin comes home again.  But surprisingly, I have no tears.  Garnier Olia smells--pleasant!  It's a little watery, I have to be careful not to squirt it on myself.  But my eyes aren't burning!  The smell is subtle, not irritating.  I had heard the hair color had a floral scent.  Hmmm....  This is super exciting.  I think I'll stick with Olia hair color from now on.

PS: I'm a BzzAgent!  I got Garnier Olia free! for more info on becoming your own BzzAgent :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Inspiration still needs work.

I'm lazy.  I'm not sure how well you may know me but you should know THAT.  It would be fine if I was simply lazy and didn't worry about it.  Unfortunately, I carry the compound disadvantage of also holding high hopes and lofty goals that require a lot of energy--energy I never use.

Let's simplify this: I'm lazy and I whine about it.

When I'm feeling egotistical and accomplished I will tell you I'm a writer, a quilter, a runner, a photographer, a needle-crafter, an actress, a singer, and a reader.  But in fact I haven't written a word since I dropped out of college (I was a fourth-year junior who flunked/dropped out of most classes by the end of my college career).
The only time I sew is when I don't have enough money to buy Christmas/Birthday presents.
I ran in one 5K race last year and immediately stopped running afterward.
My husband has the fancy camera, I only use my iphone to take pictures and they are decidedly NOT professional in quality.
I haven't acted since community college.
I only sing in the shower when the husband is not home.
The only reading I take time for is on my lunch break at work, and even that time is cut into by phone-app time.  Darn you, Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest.  I never read anymore because I'm always stalking friends on you.
The only hobby I partake of frequently is needle-crafting and I have the suspicion it is because I can do it while still watching TV.

When I start this blog (yes, yes, you may correct me and say "restart this blog") it is with much trepidation and cynicism.  I have a hard time maintaining habits--all habits.  Writing original text daily or weekly, witty musings with beautiful pictures is not really up my alley.

So why am I doing this?  Why start what I know I'm going to quit?  There are millions of blogs out there, crafted by wonderful, thoughtful individuals who are dedicated to them.  Do I think mine will be better than theirs?  Do I think that out of those million blogs MINE will be recognized as greatness?  Will I be "discovered" on the internet--much like I always dreamed of being discovered as a great beauty by some talent scout who sees me pumping gas at the corner station? Maybe.  Hey, a girl can dream.

What really possessed me to dust off this blog was the website  Depending on how connected a person is on the internet, the website will mail out products and coupons in the hopes that the individual will promote the products.  Cheap marketing and great for the person who receives the samples.

Secondly, I was listening to Michigan Radio and they advertised a segment in which listeners submit 3 minute fiction.  The winning submissions are read on the air and published in a book.  This reminded me, 'hey, I used to write!'  When my husband turned to me and told me to write something for it, I knew I should have a go.  If I'm still going to call myself a writer, I better damn do it.

There you have it.  I've written my first posting in a long time (let's not dwell on the length).  Maybe I'll stick with this.  Maybe I'll drop it after tonight.  For now I'm keeping big dreams.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Claiming the Land

I claim this blog and all of its bloggery in the name of Stacey Kay and the kingdom of Miscellania, and so dub this blog Miscellaneousology.